Le Montage de Famille




The decade beginning 1880 finds two known vector families living in Europe, i.e., Lindstrom and Westurlund. By mid-decade Charles Albert Lindstrom had immigrated to the USA.


In USA: 


Sidney Bliss’s family started the decade living on their farm three miles south of Albion. Mid-decade Sidney built a house on West Elm Street in Albion, where he took his family yet kept the farm. Sidney’s widower half-brother Calvin H. Bliss, Jr. would continue to live in Virginia the remainder of his life. He married Harriet E. Hoeman in Virginia early this decade, she having been born in England. They would later adopt and raise one child, Knighton Calvin Bliss, whose actual parents were Brooks Mason and Sarah (Langslow) Bliss of Farmville—Calvin, Jr.’s half-nephew and wife. (Presumably the adoption occurred after the death of the mother Sarah, which happened just before the end of the 19th century. Sarah left seven young children.)



© 2014 Charles W. Paige.


Last updated: Tuesday August 12, 2014



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