Le Montage de Famille




The decade beginning 1860 finds some of the known vector families living in Europe and Canada, i.e., Garrett, Lindstrom and Westurlund.


In Sweden:


In Canada and USA:


In USA: 


Known marriages of Mary’s siblings:  Robert married Emma L.; Isabell married Martin S. Griswold, and later, Charles Fowle. Jane married George Snell, and later, Orlando Converse Gale as his second wife. Catharine Ann married Isaac Callius Mills. Elizabeth Ann was a schoolteacher and married later in life to Isaiah Hendershot as his second wife. Caroline Duncan married Dewitt Clinton Gale, making her a step daughter-in-law of her sister Jane. William McNelly, one of the twins, married Mary Elizabeth Harris, a sister of Charles W. Harris who married Donzetta Barnes, the stepdaughter of William’s sister Mary W. The other twin, James Duncan, never married but was captured by Confederate soldiers during the Civil War and died at Andersonville prison.

[Additional material about Mary and David Barnes may be found below under Barnes. The Hood surname will now cease to be included as a separate subtitle in this narrative.]


Calvin and Seraph’s son Samuel H. had a second child by his wife Elizabeth, but lost both Elizabeth and new baby Evalina May. Samuel remarried during this decade to the widow Phillippa B. (Oles) Carley, former wife of Richard Carley. Samuel and his new wife, with his surviving child Brooks Mason and Phillippa’s daughter Ada L. Carley, followed Calvin and Louisa to Virginia, where they would have a daughter Lelia M. Bliss.



© 2014 Charles W. Paige.


Last updated: Tuesday August 12, 2014



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