Le Montage de Famille




The decade beginning 1800 finds some of the known vector families living in Europe, i.e., Page, Garrett, Lindstrom, and Westurlund.


In USA: 


Polly, Mrs. Rodman Gardner Vincent, joined the Fort Stanwix Chapter of the D.A.R. in 1896 when she was 96 years old. She was believed to be the only actual daughter of an American Revolution soldier to be a charter member of a National D.A.R. Chapter. It was in 1896 that Mrs. William H. Bright, Miss Phoebe Stryker, and Mrs. James Searles formed the Fort Stanwix Chapter in Rome, Oneida County, New York. In 1932 Polly’s grave at Russia, Herkimer County, New York received a bronze tablet from the Fort Stanwix Chapter commemorating her unique charter membership.



© 2014 Charles W. Paige.


Last updated: Tuesday August 12, 2014



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